Product Details


Pack Size : Package Contents: 25 m waxed dental floss

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Colgate Total Floss slides easily between teeth without shredding:

This floss was designed to make daily flossing easy and comfortable for patients. The advanced technology in use in the floss ensures that the floss slides easily between teeth without shredding.

Dentists and hygienists recommend daily brushing and flossing to help maintain strong and healthy teeth and gums. Daily flossing will help to keep plaque from building up and remove food particles from the places between teeth and around the gum line where even the most effective brushing can't reach.


 Wax coated for sliding between teeth
 Shred resistant
 Micro-crystalline coating
 Effective plaque removal

General flossing technique:

Use about 40 cm of floss. Wind the ends around the middle finger on each hand and hold a short length of floss tightly between your thumb and index finger.

Insert the floss between your teeth using a back-and-forth movement. Curve the floss around each tooth. Clean above and 1-2 mm below the gum line, moving the floss back and forth and up and down.

Remove the floss using a back-and-forth action.


- Waxed coating - slides easily between contacts and is shred-resistant
- Micro-crystalline coating to ensure easy access between tight contacts


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